vidya review post (10 games mentioned)
anyone play(ed) "another crab's treasure", the lil souls-like about the crab who lost their lil shell?

i am absolutely terrible at it, but it is a rollicking good time, highly recommend.

other stand-out games for me in this last little while are:

- omno (3d puzzle-platformer, no violence just jumping and surfing and puzzles)
- cocoon (mind bending. worlds inside orbs inside worlds inside orbs. absolutely stellar, you will love this for every aspect of its artistic direction)
- shadow of mordor (you are so fucking powerful in this game. chopping down orcs with acrobatic perfection is so satisfying)
- battlefield 1 (there's just something about this series--people working cooperatively in some sets, and competitively between others. every single quickmatch tells a story... this is like $5 in all the bargain bins and it is worth so much more)
- the outer worlds (these people made fall out new vegas and then broke away and started their own franchise? am i getting that right? the writing? the scale of the game? it's just so charming)
- stellaris (i downloaded just the federations dlc and it is the only dlc i use. on top of vanilla stellaris. on the xbone. this game requires hours and hours of concentration and minute micromanagement, but the epic narratives that result from said multiple hours of gameplay are profoundly philosophical to me and i honestly wonder how space wombats actually would fair in a jostling galactic political system).
- deep rock galactic (just goes to show that some people have excellent taste in games, and being recommended this was the correct thing to do)
- death's door (a lil isometric 2.5D rpg about a lil raven who has to reap souls. i wanna play more of this game.)
- skyrim (i dunno a game is what you make it, and this is especially true in the case of skyrim. you wanna go to bard's college @ level 3--cross the map and weasel your way in? yes! i wanna see it!)
- fallout 4 (maybe we rolled our character shit this time? we have like 2 action points at any time in VATS, i desperately just wanna blow 9 ghouls apart with impossible speed)

anyway yeah