vidak |


The unceded, stolen land of the Wadjuk people of the Nyoongar nation. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land!!


You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ~winnie-the-pooh


(current operating system) emacs


(main) gopher://



hi there @juergen_hubert

i just finished reading Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici

it's an amazing and terrifying book

Silvia is a professor emerita and teaching fellow at Hofstra University in New York State, where she was a social science professor.

i found myself reading it, considering Silvia's perspectives on historical and modern panics, and applying these lenses to my view of the world today

highly recommend

This little bugger was soldered shut AND ALSO soldered to the main board in one corner. . 🙄

An RF modulator can from a short board Commodore 64 on my workbench with both the upper and lower lid removed. A flat-head screwdriver I used to lever it open is visible on the right.

Welcome to my Kickstarter, where I present the OSSSR, the Old School Six Sigma Renaissance! Giving you the chance to nail down those dungeon procedures in a stable and predictive way, with continuous performance measuring and maximized stakeholder outcome! Putting the DM in DMAIC!

If sufficient stretch goals are achieved, we're going to release a second volume next business year: "Back to the OSSR"

I ran @geoffl's program and got this.

BBC Micro Bot graphics output - Global Warming

@notptr The kind of efficient programming which was needed to be able to fit your app on those should come right back with them. I don't want to have to swap 2700+ floppies in order to install a modern operating system (4GB OS image / 1.44 MB) 😜

27 floppies for OS2 warp 4 was bad enough!

@notptr If your computer doesn't gronk gronk whirr click click click gronk at startup, what good is it?

my friend tekk made a game

it's hard

Gobby with a shotty title screen.

Should floppy disks make a come back

Underground isn't a great hacking movie, but it *does* have some awesome Commodore 64 hacking scenes in it. and they spent the time to get the correct handshaking sounds - no generic 56k sound library used!

The Dillo web browser is back after years of inactivity. Now celebrating 25 years

Climate change killed my vineyard. Can’t afford to replant. So maybe it’s no big whoop that there’s a little less rosé in the world and I’m missing an income stream, but trust an old crone in agricultureland, it’s not gonna stop with wine.

If you really think about it, "Let's just keep telling ourselves that" is the brick that keeps all of society from collapsing, like in that one xkcd comic

how can i go back to javascript after this?! 😖

common lisp code defining a macro to set multiple slots of a class at once with a nice (to me) syntax!

code is as follows:
(defmacro set-slot (obj slot value)
  "Thin wrapper to set `obj`'s `slot` to `value`."
  `(setf (slot-value ,obj ,slot) ,value))

(defmacro set-slots (obj keys)
     ,@(loop :for (slot value) :on keys :by 'cddr
             :for new-symbol := (keyword-to-symbol slot)
             `(set-slot ,obj ',new-symbol ,value))))

(let ((p (make-instance 'point :x 10 :y 10)))
  (set-slots p (:x 20 :y 40)))


I have found your animal. It is in Jefferies tube 25. It will not come out.


Can someone please point me to the Commodore PET 2001 / 3016 / ... memory map? Only finding the one for the 8032... Most interesting: Where is the screen RAM? But also everything else... :)

is now 25 years old!

Check out the special page for the anniversary:

Dillo website with the 25 year anniversary notice. A snapshot of the the 25 years page on Dillo itself.

former and current apple HyperCard, macromedia Flash/Director, and microsoft Visual Basic users: what features of these IDEs made them indispensable to you as a creative person?

i've been building a shareware development kit/IDE ( that tries to be as user-friendly as possible, and i'd like to borrow the best and learn the most from other great toolkits.

For years now, I've offered free consulting to any hardware company that has a product with buttons. Why? Because most companies don't have a UX department, and bad UX hurts their bottom line. Tiny and inexpensive changes, like a better label or a simple software tweak, could make a substantial difference.

I've written about it here:

This isn't a gimmick. I'm lucky to be retired and don't want their money.

This is just me throwing my hat out there one more time...

terminal Tip for users: if you don't already know about 'Alt+.' then you should! It inserts the last argument of the previous command where you are typing. Press it multiple times to step back through the command history.

Even if you know this, you may not know that if you press it too many times, you can flip the direction (i.e. step forwards instead) by pressing 'Alt+-'.

Finally, if you want e.g. the 2nd argument instead of the last one, press 'Alt+2' before you press 'Alt+.'.
