vidak |


The unceded, stolen land of the Wadjuk people of the Nyoongar nation. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land!!


You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ~winnie-the-pooh


(current operating system) emacs


(main) gopher://



never underestimate the power of having a Project

A new release of the LM-3 Lisp Machine System is in the works.

Found on

A poster with large red type:
Move Slow And Mend Things

So I did something very cursed tonight.

A 2006 black MacBook displaying the Red Star OS boot logo

And we are live! This VM/OS related blog post talks about how I plan on implementing sandboxes for filesystem access. This will let me write tooling intended to support VM/OS for VM/OS itself even in its nascent state.


(And, shameless plug -- if you like where this project is going, perhaps you might want to help chip in while I am looking for gainful employment? You can do so at my Ko-Fi page! Many thanks!!)

Finished doom shareware for doom's 31st birthday.

i need to go back to exwm

i just can't do desktop environments

slight digression but thunderbird fills me with a volcanic rage

8G of RAM should be enough for anyone, i am sick of all this bloat!

eventually i will have to purchase a better workstation

Oh Frank, you so and so...

A program for writing haiku by Frnk Roberts from Fort Wayne, IN. Compute Magazine, August 1981

"Want to improve your love life? Enlist our Atari computer to write poems for that "special person." Here is a program designed to help you write Haiku poetry - a Japanese form of shot verse having seventeen syllables and, generally, describing some observed natural phenomenon or personal gestalt."

MiniDisc player arrived today. I've only got one MiniDisc at the moment, so naturally I'm burning a compilation of Waveshaper's singles to test it out.

Happy DEC-10 day! This year to support our 36bit efforts we’ve introduced SDF Hot Sauce as a fundraiser item.

bottles of SDF hot sauce bottles of SDF hot sauce with a decsystem-10 sticker

some of the best sysadmins on the entire planet are here on the fedi

and we're so down on ourselves all the time

i see you! you got dis!

Lispy gopher climate coming up in two hours (at 000UTC Wednesday, aka Tuesday night for many).
Building a date prompt from my conference talk
Hooking that to an , my workaround.
Drawing inspiration from @kickingvegas' ()

and @fosskers' transducers ; the little known counter-narrative evolution of the curse

Lisp Machine Revolution @amszmidt looking for + lisp collaborators.

mode ?

just got approved for membership at (:


this will be my new peertube home (:

56 years ago! It all started here: It's December 9, 1968, and Douglas Engelbart is about to showcase the world’s first personal, networked, computer — as a live demo. It’s the computing equivalent of a high-wire trapeze act with no net.

Being unemployed has really shown me how much having a job has been holding me back from my true calling: posting

Unreal and Unity are machines for taking simple, 2D, tile-based games and turning them into 1.5 GB+ games that require a 3D accelerated GPU to run

made by redruM

edit: you can now own it as a sticker

qr code made to look like Girl from the Techno-Mage comic series.
