vidak |


The unceded, stolen land of the Wadjuk people of the Nyoongar nation. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land!!


You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ~winnie-the-pooh


(current operating system) emacs


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An important quote from Willlie Nelson.

Your enemy is not the refugee. Your enemy is the one who made him a refugee.

Remember when you could buy a program or outright, like a civilized person? Now, they want you to subscribe to everything yearly or monthly like it's some digital cheese of the month club. "Oh, you want to use the Xyz app today? That'll be $19.99, please." It makes you want to return to typewriters and carrier pigeons. But thanks to open source, we now have some alternatives available. If possible, please use and support these open-source applications. 🥰

Happy Birthday Peter Kropotkin! (*09.12.1842)

Portraitfoto von Peter Kropotkin

Hey uhhhh heads up about @itchio being down right now account on Bluesky: I kid you not, has been taken down by Funko of "Funko Pop" because they use some trash "AI Powered" Brand Protection Software called Brand Shield that created some bogus Phishing report to our registrar, iwantmyname, who ignored our response and just disabled the domain

I hope you're all having a nice Sunday evening

Today I spoke about the "Kaiser", "Le President", and "Promotion" (a type-in game) and the question what kind of economies and regimens were implemented in those games.

As long as we continue to equate profit with success, we’re well and truly fucked. is currently offline due to a ‘trash AI-powered’ phishing report It seems back for now. But, this tells us how rubbish and gutter level are AI services causing both environment and other issues. More from press

WTF. The indie game website site has been taken down by because of some bogus brand protection report. This could happen to anyone. AI is literally destroying peoples income.

“Amazon appropriates up to 40% of the price of a product sold on its platform. That leaves next to no surplus for the seller to reinvest. And when you have so much rent being siphoned out of the economy, out of the circular flow of income, then the capitalist sector is starved and increasingly subordinate to the cloud rent sector.”

China is such a huge car market that it makes the rest of the world looks small. About 23 million cars will be sold in China in 2024, with battery EV sales of over 6 million and plug-in hybrid EV sales of almost 5 million. Car sales in the US will come to about 16 million. Irish new car sales will be about 120,000, of which about 17,000 are battery EVs and 13,000 are plug-in hybrids.

so hum... Funko has caused to be taken down, wth

I kid you not,
 has been taken down by Funko of "Funko Pop" because they use some trash "AI Powered" Brand Protection Software called Brand Shield that created some bogus Phishing report to our registrar, iwantmyname, who ignored our response and just disabled the domain


With all the anti-BASIC rhetoric I've seen tonight, for some bizarre reason, I'm kind of motivated to say fuck you all and write a BASIC compiler for VM/OS, and use it going forward to write most, if not all, of my apps for it.


@jaredj @nytpu @vidak Although it didn't have the instruction, you could get the same effect with the RDY line. This trick was used in the Atari 2600, to synchronize against the horizontal sync pulse. You'd load from a special memory-mapped register, which would cause RDY to drop, this halting the processor, until HSYNC happened. (Don't use stores, because the NMOS 6502 doesn't respect RDY during stores!)

The WAI instruction in the 65C02 does the same thing: it just pulls RDY low until IRQ or NMI are asserted. 😏

Keep it up, people, lest my BASIC dialect include line numbers and two character name limits. 😏

Remember that games I was trying to hunt down a while back?

I (and others) searched *everywhere* - the Archimedes Archive, fan pages, every issue of Acorn User and similar that the Internet Archive has available, even PD library listings. Came up blank.

Well, my father-in-law has come up trumps... not only finding the name of the game *but the game itself*. Including documentation and the shipping packaging.

plans are coming together for the next #fennelconf on the 28th:

but there's still room on the schedule! if you've got a fun or interesting project written in #fennel, you can take a 10-15 minute slot to demo it to the community, or a 30 minute slot if you have more to say

it's always very chill; you don't need a lot of preparation, and we specifically recommend against making slides

been thinking about fantasy computers and virtual machines

the chip-8 is inspiring to me
